
The Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda

At the heart of the Ayurvedic system lies the Tridosha, which represents three individual forms of biological energy. These energies affect both mind and body and are called Vatta, Pitta and Kapha. Each is present in differing degrees in every human being.

Vatta: It controls all the empty spaces of the body. It influences digestive, nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems. Vatta persons are thin and wiry with low body weight. They do not tend to put on weight and have dry, light skin making them suffer in winter. The individuals are full of restless energy, fidgety and compulsive worriers and that affects their health.

It controls fluids and heat within and outside the body, influencing all the soft organs of the digestive system - stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Pitta persons are of medium built. They are sporting types who perspire excessively. Their skin tends to be very smooth with a clear and fine complexion, often with freckles or beauty spots. They are quick to anger.

Kapha: It controls the upper part of the body. The organs under its influence are nostrils, nasal passage, throat, food pipe, lungs and respiratory tract. Kapha individuals gain weight easily and find it difficult to lose. They have heavy, solid bones and are sweaty with strong body odour. They have inner strength and solidity, but are lazy, and hate turmoil and uncertainty.
Recognising the doshas, to which one belongs helps in Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurveda and Womens' Health
Womens' roles in creating and sustaining balanced, healthy lives for themselves and their families have never been more crucial. In today's fast-paced world, Ayurveda provides a way for women to live their lives more simply, more naturally, and more contentedly.

Women are far more sensitive to the rhythms and cycles of nature and Ayurveda helps them keep their bodies in tune with nature. Women's health, according to Ayurveda, goes beyond physical ailments. A number of women related problems have psychological origins. For example, depression affects the secretion of hormones leading to various complications, as also the natural changes that occur at the onset of puberty and menopause. Ayurveda suggests natural ways to deal with these disorders.

Ayurveda and Beauty

Ayurveda considers true beauty to be threefold. Roopam or outer beauty, gunam or inner beauty and vayastyag or lasting beauty. It considers true beauty to be a balance of these three.

Roopam: Your skin, hair and nails are the outer signs of beauty. They reflect your overall health and should therefore be taken care of.

• Keep your tissues clear of toxins and impurities,

• Eat a pure diet to improve your digestion and to provide more nourishment to your skin. Without this your skin can shrivel up like a plant without water.

Gunam: Inner beauty is authentic beauty, the kind that shines through from your soul, your consciousness or inner state of being. It should be enhanced.

• Maintain your self-confidence and a warm, loving personality by paying attention to your lifestyle and daily routine.

• Manage stress through meditation, eating meals at correct times and going to bed early.

Vayastyag: Lasting beauty is eternal and knows no time. This is most relevant to women at menopause and can be cultivated.

• To avoid rapid aging, retard the creation of free radicals that oxidise your cells and tissues. Protect yourself from pollutants and chemicals, improve nutrition, and even avoid stress. All of these hasten the aging process.

• To slow down the aging process, eat well and cleanse your body of toxic wastes.

• To curb social aging, create a peaceful environment at home and nourish relationships.

• To prevent psychological aging, adhere to a low-stress lifestyle and practice meditation.

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