Health Food

Are we eating right? Whether you admit it or not, this question bugs us eternally! We are continually bombarded with information about the merits and demerits of different foods through advertisements and articles. These at times, are conflicting making it almost impossible for us to decide. More often than not, they lead us to consume things that are downright harmful. However, this is not the only reason for unhealthy eating. The fast-paced life does not afford us time plan and prepare healthy meals, forcing us to consume fast foods that are loaded with various toxic chemical, saturated fats and pesticides. These slow killers play havoc with our bodies leading to ailments of which obesity is only a minor one! So what does one do? Either spend our valuable time browsing the market for items to prepare healthy foods or opt for ready made products that provide for all our health requirements.

We at health sactuary offer you an alternative that is not only healthy but delicious too!
What would you give to gain more energy, a slender body, a sharper mind, clear skin, better digestion, slashed risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis , osteoporosis, gallstones, infections, and premature death? Anything! The fact is that your don’t have to! All you need is to opt for natural diet and compatible lifestyle. Our species is the only one on earth that chemically alters its food with heat. Scientists have known for years that cooking destroys nutrients ( vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes) and creates toxins (trans fats, cross- cross linked proteins, heterocyclic amines) now new studies show that cooking starchy foods creates acryl amide, a potent carcinogen.

The scientific evidence supporting a plant- based diet is so overwhelming that the meat and dairy industries have resorted to billion dollar image campaigns to boost sales. But slick ads and misinformation cannot say us forever.

Around the world, people are waking up to the benefits of a natural diet. There is deep satisfaction in giving your body the highest –quality fuel for which it is well deigned. Health foods slow the aging process and help you lead a healthy life. And you need not sacrifice taste because nature’s vast bounty offers different flavors.

We, at health sanctuary, offer totally organic, delicious and safe health foods for all age groups. The health food products are low in calories and fats, and high in fiber contents and vitamins. Our organic foods are grown without the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides. These products not only provide a balanced diet but also add healthy years to your life.

Whole wheat bran Rusk. Welcome to the favorite companion of chai! Our whole wheat bran rusk is here to tantalize your taste buds. Rich in fiber and vitamin b and low in fat, the rusks are paced with energy. So if your want to beat stress or want to recharge the batteries of your kids, this baked Rusk is a wonderful item for infusing instant every. Its other benefits include relief from constipation. Prevention of diabetes, heart diseases and excessing fat deposition. This ready to ear snack is Nan instant substitute for bread or chapatti and is as filling it tastes terrific with both hot and cold beverages.

Garlic rolls- the benefits of garlic have been document since antiquity. It is one the most powerful functional foods. Full of properties that promote health. Our delicious whole wheat garlic roles are not only nutritious but also help in digestion. They are loaded with proteins, vitamins, potassium and iron. They contain insoluble fiber content that readily satiates hunger thereby reducing appetite. The garlic content cures constipation. Reduces bad cholesterol and boosts good cholesterol giving you total health and vitality.

Now who doesn’t like cookies, but over indulgence can add calories and raise sugar levels. Our whole wheat biscuits are full of fiber content and contain vit b. a natural sweetener adds to its taste. It helps cure constipation, prevent breast cancer and reduce fat absorption. So whenever you feel hungry in-between meals reach out for these mouth watering treats and see your hunger pangs subside. It has proved to be an excellent aid in losing weight.

The everyday atta has gone healthy now have your favorite rotis to your heart’s fill. Our wheat plus flour is an excellent and healthy substitute for flour for the whole family. Mixed with soya and whole chana in perfect proportions, this whole wheat makes an excellent cereal pulse blend. This flour with highly soluble fiber content makes it ideal for patients with heart condition, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. The protein with all essential amino acid makes it extremely beneficial for adults and children alike.

In addition, we have a wide variety of other international brands of health foods too.

Time to say no to junk food with high calories and reach out for total health. Our delicious, safe and nutritious substitutes are your for the asking.
 To know more about our Health Foods:

Dial +919873298033 for a FREE consultation OR Click here to visit your nearest Centre  OR   Fill here for Online queries

De-Stress Techniques

Never heard of auto de-stressing techniques? Or have heard of it but always wondered what they are? Stop wondering because Health Sanctuary brings you these unique concepts at your doorstep. De-stressing is now automated with state of the art, specially imported chairs.

What our de-stressing technique does is to literally rejuvenate you by infusing energy that does more than just see you through the day!

Auto De-stressing – Unique Technology introduced at Health Sanctuary

We are one of the first to bring to you this unique de-stressing concept that uses top-of-the-line technology. All you need do is to stretch yourself on the reclining, especially designed, imported chair; command your time and let the machine take control of you. The Auto De-stressing Chair is chip controlled to provide total relaxation of body and mind. It eases tensed muscles and calms agitated minds by giving a mother-like caress and gentle vibrations to areas that are difficult to reach by hand. And what’s more you don’t have to suffer under the hands of a stranger infringing upon your private space by touching your body!

What we Offer

At Health Sanctuary our French Auto De-stressing Chair is designed to take care of your full body automatically by specially carved accessories. Perfectly designed to give you an out-of-the-body experience!

Come to us and try out a couple of sessions for yourself. We are sure you will find the experience enjoyable and effective.
To know more:

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SMS "HS" "Your Name" to 53030 For Ex if your name is Rachna then type HS Rachna and send to 53030
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Oxygen Bar

A breath of Life
Never heard of it? Or have heard of it but always wondered what it is? Stop wondering because Health Sanctuary brings you this unique concept at your doorstep. Oxygen bars are a rage in the west and have taken the health conscious by storm with everyone bellying up to these joints for their daily dose of health.
You may be quite regular in your morning walks or even in your workouts at health clubs, but what most of you are unaware of is the presence of pollutants in the air that you are forced to breathe day and night. This takes a heavy toll on your health.
What an oxygen bar does is to literally give you a rejuvenating breath of life. The unadulterated oxygen that you are provided at the bar is immediately transferred to the blood stream, enriching it and in the process improving your vitality and infusing you with energy that does more than just see you through the day!
Oxygen Bar – a unique concept
The concept of oxygen bar was first introduced in Japan, where air pollution is a major problem. It makes use of special equipment that enables healthy people to breathe up to 95% pure oxygen. And that is not all, today you can ask for oxygen, ‘flavoured’ with peppermint, bayberry, cranberry, wintergreen and other alluring fragrances.
Since the introduction of these bars in the United States in the late 1990s, the trend has caught on and has become hugely popular in cities like Hollywood and Beverley Hills. It has also wafted through all the major cities of Europe and Asia.
The source of Oxygen
As you may already know, air comprises about 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen with the rest being carbon dioxide, argon and other trace elements. The oxygen bar simply uses oxygen present in the atmosphere through a specially designed oxygen generator. It is purified and humidified by adding water vapour to it, since oxygen, by itself, is very dry and uncomfortable to breathe. This oxygenated air is then spiked with fragrance through an infuser before being conveyed to the end user.
Inhaling Pure Oxygen – the Equipment & Process
In an oxygen bar, to take in pure oxygen, you either sit on a bar stool or lay down on a relaxing couch and place the plastic tube to your nose. The tube is fitted with a disposable cannula, a two-pronged tube that fits loosely into the nostrils and hooked over the ears. It is akin to the ones used for hospital patients who need oxygen piped directly into their system.
Using Pressure Swing Absorption technology, the oxygen generator extracts oxygen from the atmosphere, concentrating it up to 95% purity, and delivers it to the infuser. Here oxygen is mixed with scented oils before being directed to the your nose. Among the 16 fragrances on offer is PiƱa Colada (pineapple, coconut), which is described as ‘festive, jovial, and delicious,’ and Revitalize (bayberry), which is said to be ‘restoring, refreshing and vitalising.’

Oxygen – Healthy or just Hype?
This is what Mr Satyendra Singh of Defense Colony, New Delhi, who inhales oxygen for 30 minutes, three times a week in oxygen bars has to say about oxygen intake.
"I feel really good and relaxed. I sleep more soundly. I wake up happier, it lifts up my spirit, it rejuvenates me. I'm more at peace with more oxygen in my bloodstream."
Also Mrs Bhandari is not alone in her praise for oxygen. Just have a look at its benefits…
Helps in muscle development & tissue repair                                                   Reduces stress relaxing the body.
Increases energy and alertness                                                                      Boosts immune system.
Lessens the effects of hangovers, headaches, and sinus problems                    Detoxifies the blood
Endows a person with a general feeling of well being                                      Increases stamina.
It comes as no surprise that its users include working women, housewives, marathon runners, students preparing for competitive exams and, even older couples preparing for a bout of lovemaking!
What we Offer
At Health Sanctuary we have elevated your special dosage of oxygen to gourmet status. The reason why we don’t call it air! Come to us and try out a couple of sessions for yourself. We are sure you will find the experience enjoyable refreshing and effective.
To know more about Oxygen Bars :

 Dial +919873298033 for a FREE consultation OR Click here to visit your nearest HS Centre  OR   Fill here for Online queries


The Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda

At the heart of the Ayurvedic system lies the Tridosha, which represents three individual forms of biological energy. These energies affect both mind and body and are called Vatta, Pitta and Kapha. Each is present in differing degrees in every human being.

Vatta: It controls all the empty spaces of the body. It influences digestive, nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems. Vatta persons are thin and wiry with low body weight. They do not tend to put on weight and have dry, light skin making them suffer in winter. The individuals are full of restless energy, fidgety and compulsive worriers and that affects their health.

It controls fluids and heat within and outside the body, influencing all the soft organs of the digestive system - stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Pitta persons are of medium built. They are sporting types who perspire excessively. Their skin tends to be very smooth with a clear and fine complexion, often with freckles or beauty spots. They are quick to anger.

Kapha: It controls the upper part of the body. The organs under its influence are nostrils, nasal passage, throat, food pipe, lungs and respiratory tract. Kapha individuals gain weight easily and find it difficult to lose. They have heavy, solid bones and are sweaty with strong body odour. They have inner strength and solidity, but are lazy, and hate turmoil and uncertainty.
Recognising the doshas, to which one belongs helps in Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurveda and Womens' Health
Womens' roles in creating and sustaining balanced, healthy lives for themselves and their families have never been more crucial. In today's fast-paced world, Ayurveda provides a way for women to live their lives more simply, more naturally, and more contentedly.

Women are far more sensitive to the rhythms and cycles of nature and Ayurveda helps them keep their bodies in tune with nature. Women's health, according to Ayurveda, goes beyond physical ailments. A number of women related problems have psychological origins. For example, depression affects the secretion of hormones leading to various complications, as also the natural changes that occur at the onset of puberty and menopause. Ayurveda suggests natural ways to deal with these disorders.

Ayurveda and Beauty

Ayurveda considers true beauty to be threefold. Roopam or outer beauty, gunam or inner beauty and vayastyag or lasting beauty. It considers true beauty to be a balance of these three.

Roopam: Your skin, hair and nails are the outer signs of beauty. They reflect your overall health and should therefore be taken care of.

• Keep your tissues clear of toxins and impurities,

• Eat a pure diet to improve your digestion and to provide more nourishment to your skin. Without this your skin can shrivel up like a plant without water.

Gunam: Inner beauty is authentic beauty, the kind that shines through from your soul, your consciousness or inner state of being. It should be enhanced.

• Maintain your self-confidence and a warm, loving personality by paying attention to your lifestyle and daily routine.

• Manage stress through meditation, eating meals at correct times and going to bed early.

Vayastyag: Lasting beauty is eternal and knows no time. This is most relevant to women at menopause and can be cultivated.

• To avoid rapid aging, retard the creation of free radicals that oxidise your cells and tissues. Protect yourself from pollutants and chemicals, improve nutrition, and even avoid stress. All of these hasten the aging process.

• To slow down the aging process, eat well and cleanse your body of toxic wastes.

• To curb social aging, create a peaceful environment at home and nourish relationships.

• To prevent psychological aging, adhere to a low-stress lifestyle and practice meditation.

To know more about our Programs:

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Laser Hair Removal

Know What Laser is
Unlike white light, which is a mixture of many colours, laser is a single-colour light. This allows its energy to be focused at very specific areas making it ideal for use in permanent hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal - the Process
Light at a specified wavelength is focused onto the skin by means of a hand piece, where it targets dark material, usually the pigment in the hair. The pigment absorbs laser energy and transfers it to hair follicles causing thermal and mechanical damage to them while sparing surrounding tissues. This permanently renders the follicles ineffective and prevents hair growth.

Laser Hair Removal at Health Sanctuary - the Technique

Step 1:
Our in-house dermatologist studies your case and decides how laser is to be applied to achieve best results.

Step 2: To find out whether your skin is sensitive to laser or not, our specialists conduct a patch test on the area where laser is to be applied.

Step 3:
Once your skin has passed the sensitivity test, it is shaved and a cooling gel is applied. This prepares the area for laser hair removal process.

Step 4:
Now the designated area of the skin is thoroughly scanned with laser by our specialists through a handheld device to achieve a permanent solution for your hair problem.

Total Safety with No Side Effects

In the hands of Health Sanctuary's experts this is the safest technology that one can opt for. It has no side effects and the only effect it has is permanent hair removal!

You Gain with No Pain

The only sensations you get are of minor pinpricks!
Multiple Sessions = Permanent Solution

We need multiple sessions for effective hair removal. This is because of unsynchronized hair growth cycle. This 3-stage cycle has an active stage, the phase of hair growth; the regression phase, the pause between active and the next stage; and the resting stage, when the hair attains full growth.

The laser hair removal / reduction is only effective during the active stage when hair contains the highest amount of pigment to absorb energy required for rendering the follicles ineffective. But due to differing growth cycles of individual follicles only about 30% of them are in active stage at any given time. The ones in the resting stage need three weeks to three months to become active. So, it becomes necessary to undertake a series of sessions after 3 to 4-week interval. The number of sessions is determined by factors that include skin type, hair type and skin's response to treatment. However, normally 4-5 sessions with a 3 to 4-week gap between them gives the desired result.
The Sessions - Duration and Gaps

The duration depends on the body part being treated. As a rough guide, upper lip session may take 15 to 20 minutes while legs may take up to three hours.
The gaps depend upon the hair growth patterns. Typically, a 4 to12-week gap is given. However, on an average, 40-45% reduction in hair growth is seen after three sittings. And up to 85-90% after 4-5 sittings. In addition, 1-2 maintenance sessions may also be required every year to remove new hair follicles that were missed out during the sessions.

The Proof of the Process

Basically, effects of the technique are visible at an average of 4-5 sessions, but it can vary from person to person. However, don't be alarmed on noticing hair on the treated area after weeks following the session. This is not the sign of early growth. It's just the hair follicles and hair shafts being shed!

 Dial +919873298033 for a FREE consultation OR Click here to know and visit our nearest Centre OR Fill here for Online queries

Cosmetic Surgery

HEALTH SANCTUARY offers a wide variety of plastic surgery procedures for the face and body performed by our renowned professionals and healthcare specialists in India.
     Face Surgery Procedures
     Body Surgery Procedures
To know more:

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SMS "HS" "Your Name" to 53030 For Ex if your name is Rachna then type HS Rachna and send to 53030
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Skin Care Treatment


Know your skin type

Dry- it appears ashy, dull and feels tight, especially after cleaning. It has fine pores and may require extra moisture and oil.

Normal- this type maintains a fine balance between dampness and dryness. The skin usually appears smooth and moist. Its pores are generally not clogged and it seldom breaks out.

Oily & blemish prone- it appears shiny all over. The blemish prone skin has clogged pores. It may break out and change colored. It may require some acne or blemish control.

Combination skin– usually found on the facial “T” zone comprising of forehead, nose, inner cheek and chin. Outside this zone it is normal or dry. Oil reduction in “T” zone and moisturizing on the outside areas is required.

Care for your skin: Four steps to total skin care: • Cleansing • Toning • Moisturizing • Treatment. While one can take chances with the first three steps, but seeking a professional help for the fourth one, at any of HEALTH SANCTUARY'S Centres is an imperative.
Enhancement and Anti-Ageing Services ( Revitalize your skin)

You don’t have to suffer in silence it your once glowing skin has dulled. Knowing your skin type (as explained above)  is the first step towards a beautiful skin. HEALTH SANCTUARY's 'Skin Analysis" analyses spots, pores, pigments, wrinkles, evenness and UV spots which affect the skin health and appearance. Based on your concern we help you select from our range of services to restore and renew your valuable skin. Take a look at the enhancement, Anti Ageing and problem solution services offered at HEALTH SANCTUARY Centres

Skin Photo-rejuvenation: This service is the perfect way to correct a range of benign skin conditions such as pigmentation, fine lines, sun damage, open pores and other blemishes. It offers a safe, non invasive solution that can be tailored to your individual condition and skin type. You will notice a dramatic improvement with a more youthful and radiant appearance. The focus areas are the face and neck. We normally recommend six to eight sessions at a gap of three weeks.

Skin Brightening (Microdermabrasion) - this tongue twister of a name is simply the most natural, non-invasive way to even and safely exfoliate the skin without chemicals or laser. It removes dead skin cells to improve texture, softness and brightness of skin. It also stimulates cell and collagen production and reduces the appearance of large pores. Acne scars will be less obvious. Age spots and fine lines are erased and the skin seems to be softer, smoother and younger looking. To obtains maximum results, HEALTH SANCTUARY recommends a series of 6 to 8 sessions at least 02 weeks apart.

The process involves bombarding a fine jet of aluminum oxide crystals on the skins surface to finely resurface its superficial layers. When a more aggressive treatment is necessary, vacuum pressure can be increased to evenly penetrate deeper layers of the skin.
Sonic peeler system: if you could remove that outermost laser of dry, dead skin cells you would see that just below the surface lies a fresher, younger looking skin. That’s exactly what sonic peeler system does for you by gently and precisely exfoliating the surface of your skin it whisks always years of buildup revealing a more beautiful you. This method utilizes a unique sonic blade to exfoliate and deep cleanse the out layer. This is a popular, safe and non-invasive method of skin rejuvenation.
Non Invasive Face Lift: Would you like to get a face lift without undergoing a surgery?
HEALTH SANCTUARY's amazing treatments by the help of latest state of the art technologies and techniques, may then be the answer to your problem. The treatment provides significant shrinkage of collagen in the dermis to give visible tightening of skin over the face in a single sitting itself. It can also be used for tightening of skin over the neck, abdomen and thighs. One has to experience it to see the amazing results for oneself.

Fillers: Fillers are an effective way to reduce the signs of ageing. This service lifts out deep facial wrinkles, creases and furrows to give you a smooth and youthful appearance. it is especially recommended for thin superficial lines around the mouth and nose or for correcting deep folds. The results are visible immediately.
BOTOX: What you have heard is true ! Wrinkles, creases and crow's feet just melt away with BOTOX Cosmetic Injections. BOTOX is a US FDA approved natural purified protein that relaxes wrinkle causing muscles thus creating a smooth, more youthful appearance. The Results can be seen immediately and and the effect lasts for several months.
Problem Solution Services (Think beautiful look beautiful)

Don’t you wish you could look beautiful by just thinking if only such wish could come true. But why worry when you have our beauty expertise at your disposal.

Acne clearing- our treatment for acne removal clears the skin and brings the co lour back into it.

Under eye therapy / Dark Circle Reduction - HEALTH SANCTUARY's Treatment minimizes dark circles and puffiness around the eyes and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles from under the eyes.

Skin tags, moles and warts removal: Skin tags are small round or long growths which commonly appear on the face, neck and arms. Warts are rough black / brown mole like growths on the skin that are caused by a virus. They are contagious and may spread to other areas of the body by touch if not attended to. Only one session is required at HEALTH SANCTUARY. The duration depends on the number of warts or moles and is performed by our Dermatologists.

Hyper-pigmentation treatment – Hyper-pigmentation, the abnormal skin colouring in upper epidermal layer is eliminated by use of inhibitors derived from serum extracts.

Anti- wrinkle treatment – the method involves stretching the surface of the skin to smoothen out wrinkles by application of different wave forms comprising triangle, synchronization and square. This natural process improves oxygenation, skin moisturizing and boosts the immune system.

Skin lightening- this revolutionary treatment dissolves pigmentation though non-toxic biological extracts. Our imported products control dark pigmentation to make the skin visibly fairer.

Microbiolifting – this skin care machine tones up facial muscles, lifts sagging skin, shapes the bust removes double chin and erases fine lines and wrinkles. It also warms the underlying skin to facilitate proper drainage and detoxification.
Stretch Mark Removal: Stretch marks are linear breaks in fibrous component of dermis and can occur following pregnancy, crash dieting and steroid therapy. Many adolescents develop stretch marks without any cause, possibly due to excessive endogenous steroid secretion. At HEALTH SANCTUARY's treatments help remove and minimize these in the most professional way. Our Dermatologist advises the number of sessions required depending upon the type and age of stretch marks.
Tattoo and Birth Mark Removal: If you have a Tattoo or birth mark that is no longer appealing, HEALTH SANCTUARY can help. A series of treatments is usually necessary for the complete removal.
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Weight Loss

Everyone needs a certain amount of body fat for stored energy, heat insulation, shock absorption, and other functions. But there got to be a limit to the amount of body fat that a person can harmlessly and gracefully carry on him / her. As a rule, women have more fat than men. Doctors generally agree that men with more than 25 percent body fat and women with more than 30 percent body fat are obese.
In scientific terms, obesity occurs when a person's calorie intake exceeds the amount of energy he or she burns. Evidence suggests that obesity often has more than one cause. Genetic, environmental, psychological, and other factors all may play a part.

Consequences of obesity : Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem. It's a health hazard. Someone who is 40 percent overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as an average-weight person. (This effect is seen after ten to 30 years of being obese.)

Health risks : Doctors generally agree that the more obese a person is, the more likely he or she is to have health problems. Obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions, including the following.
• Heart disease and stroke • High blood pressure • Diabetes
• Angina • Sleep apnea • Cancer
• Gout • Osteoarthritis • Gallbladder disease
• Weight loss itself, particularly rapid weight loss or loss of a large amount of weight, can actually increase your chances of developing gallstones. Modest, slow weight loss of about one pound a week is less likely to cause gallstones

Psychological and social effects : One of the most painful aspects of obesity may be the emotional suffering it causes. Our society places great emphasis on physical appearance, often equating attractiveness with slimness, especially in women. The messages, intended or not, make overweight people feel unattractive. Many people assume that obese people are gluttonous, lazy, or both. Obese people often face prejudice or discrimination at work, at school, while looking for a job, and in social situations. Feelings of rejection, shame, or depression are common.
The Solution: Health Sanctuary's Weight Loss program provides solutions to OBESITY and obesity-related diseases and disorders in both men and women. What makes Health Sanctuary's Weight Reduction Program the only one of its kind is its thorough scientific approach, intelligently combined with the ancient sciences. State of the art Technologies like THERMO MAGIC utilizing RF mono-polar and bi-polar devices help achieve targeted results and ON SPOT reduction in a matter of hours. Such a healthy combination sees to it that the side effects are eliminated in toto. An in-depth knowledge of various factors responsible for an individual's health and body fat such as medical status, age, gender, energy levels, diet analysis, day to day physical activity, drinking and smoking habits etc. is acquired by our in house specialists. Thereafter a comprehensive Body Composition Analysis (BCA) enables us to customize a personalized weight loss program for our clients.
At Health Sanctuary each individual is cared professionally but personally, thereby coming out with an independently unique Weight Loss Program depending on his / her specific medical condition and lifestyle.
To know more about our Programs:

SMS "HS" to 53030 from your mobile while in India OR
Dial +919873298033 for a FREE consultation OR
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Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Know your skin type

Dry- it appears ashy, dull and feels tight, especially after cleaning. It has fine pores and may require extra moisture and oil.

Normal- this type maintains a fine balance between dampness and dryness. The skin usually appears smooth and moist. Its pores are generally not clogged and it seldom breaks out.

Oily & blemish prone- it appears shiny all over. The blemish prone skin has clogged pores. It may break out and change colored. It may require some acne or blemish control.

Combination skin– usually found on the facial “T” zone comprising of forehead, nose, inner cheek and chin. Outside this zone it is normal or dry. Oil reduction in “T” zone and moisturizing on the outside areas is required.

Care for your skin: Four steps to total skin care: • Cleansing • Toning • Moisturizing • Treatment. While one can take chances with the first three steps, but seeking a professional help for the fourth one, at any of HEALTH SANCTUARY'S Centres is an imperative.
Enhancement and Anti-Ageing Services ( Revitalize your skin)

You don’t have to suffer in silence it your once glowing skin has dulled. Knowing your skin type (as explained above) is the first step towards a beautiful skin. HEALTH SANCTUARY's 'Skin Analysis" analyses spots, pores, pigments, wrinkles, evenness and UV spots which affect the skin health and appearance. Based on your concern we help you select from our range of services to restore and renew your valuable skin. Take a look at the enhancement, Anti Ageing and problem solution services offered at HEALTH SANCTUARY Centres

Skin Photo-rejuvenation: This service is the perfect way to correct a range of benign skin conditions such as pigmentation, fine lines, sun damage, open pores and other blemishes. It offers a safe, non invasive solution that can be tailored to your individual condition and skin type. You will notice a dramatic improvement with a more youthful and radiant appearance. The focus areas are the face and neck. We normally recommend six to eight sessions at a gap of three weeks.

Skin Brightening (Microdermabrasion) - this tongue twister of a name is simply the most natural, non-invasive way to even and safely exfoliate the skin without chemicals or laser. It removes dead skin cells to improve texture, softness and brightness of skin. It also stimulates cell and collagen production and reduces the appearance of large pores. Acne scars will be less obvious. Age spots and fine lines are erased and the skin seems to be softer, smoother and younger looking. To obtains maximum results, HEALTH SANCTUARY recommends a series of 6 to 8 sessions at least 02 weeks apart.

The process involves bombarding a fine jet of aluminum oxide crystals on the skins surface to finely resurface its superficial layers. When a more aggressive treatment is necessary, vacuum pressure can be increased to evenly penetrate deeper layers of the skin.
Sonic peeler system: if you could remove that outermost laser of dry, dead skin cells you would see that just below the surface lies a fresher, younger looking skin. That’s exactly what sonic peeler system does for you by gently and precisely exfoliating the surface of your skin it whisks always years of buildup revealing a more beautiful you. This method utilizes a unique sonic blade to exfoliate and deep cleanse the out layer. This is a popular, safe and non-invasive method of skin rejuvenation.
Non Invasive Face Lift: Would you like to get a face lift without undergoing a surgery?
HEALTH SANCTUARY's amazing treatments by the help of latest state of the art technologies and techniques, may then be the answer to your problem. The treatment provides significant shrinkage of collagen in the dermis to give visible tightening of skin over the face in a single sitting itself. It can also be used for tightening of skin over the neck, abdomen and thighs. One has to experience it to see the amazing results for oneself.

Fillers: Fillers are an effective way to reduce the signs of ageing. This service lifts out deep facial wrinkles, creases and furrows to give you a smooth and youthful appearance. it is especially recommended for thin superficial lines around the mouth and nose or for correcting deep folds. The results are visible immediately.
BOTOX: What you have heard is true ! Wrinkles, creases and crow's feet just melt away with BOTOX Cosmetic Injections. BOTOX is a US FDA approved natural purified protein that relaxes wrinkle causing muscles thus creating a smooth, more youthful appearance. The Results can be seen immediately and and the effect lasts for several months.
Problem Solution Services (Think beautiful look beautiful)

Don’t you wish you could look beautiful by just thinking if only such wish could come true. But why worry when you have our beauty expertise at your disposal.

Acne clearing- our treatment for acne removal clears the skin and brings the co lour back into it.

Under eye therapy / Dark Circle Reduction - HEALTH SANCTUARY's Treatment minimizes dark circles and puffiness around the eyes and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles from under the eyes.

Skin tags, moles and warts removal: Skin tags are small round or long growths which commonly appear on the face, neck and arms. Warts are rough black / brown mole like growths on the skin that are caused by a virus. They are contagious and may spread to other areas of the body by touch if not attended to. Only one session is required at HEALTH SANCTUARY. The duration depends on the number of warts or moles and is performed by our Dermatologists.

Hyper-pigmentation treatment – Hyper-pigmentation, the abnormal skin colouring in upper epidermal layer is eliminated by use of inhibitors derived from serum extracts.

Anti- wrinkle treatment – the method involves stretching the surface of the skin to smoothen out wrinkles by application of different wave forms comprising triangle, synchronization and square. This natural process improves oxygenation, skin moisturizing and boosts the immune system.

Skin lightening- this revolutionary treatment dissolves pigmentation though non-toxic biological extracts. Our imported products control dark pigmentation to make the skin visibly fairer.

Microbiolifting – this skin care machine tones up facial muscles, lifts sagging skin, shapes the bust removes double chin and erases fine lines and wrinkles. It also warms the underlying skin to facilitate proper drainage and detoxification.
Stretch Mark Removal: Stretch marks are linear breaks in fibrous component of dermis and can occur following pregnancy, crash dieting and steroid therapy. Many adolescents develop stretch marks without any cause, possibly due to excessive endogenous steroid secretion. At HEALTH SANCTUARY's treatments help remove and minimize these in the most professional way. Our Dermatologist advises the number of sessions required depending upon the type and age of stretch marks.
Tattoo and Birth Mark Removal: If you have a Tattoo or birth mark that is no longer appealing, HEALTH SANCTUARY can help. A series of treatments is usually necessary for the complete removal.


Weight Management
A safe and effective way of toning your body and saying goodbye to unwanted flab. Allow us to sculpt a dream figure for you more....

Dermatology / Skin Care Treatment
Get amazing results in just a few sessions under our experienced    Dermatologists. Treatments for Anti-Ageing, wrinkles, Acne, Hairfall.

Cosmetic Surgery
Try out our hi-tech treatments for that extra edge. Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, Abdominoplasty, Body Implants, Facial feature correction.

Laser Hair Removal/ Laser Treatment
FDA approved laser hair reduction is a popular and safe method to give you silky smoothness. Suited for all Indian skin type more...

Ayurveda / Ayurveda Weight Loss
FDA approved laser hair reduction is a popular and safe method to give you silky smoothness. Suited for all Indian skin type more...

Oxygen Bar
Delhi's first O2 bar helps rejuvenate, refresh and purify your body and mind by revitalizing cells and eliminating toxins.

De-Stress Techniques
We are one of the first to bring you a unique de-stressing concept that uses top-of-the-line technology.
